Listed below are the operating committees within the Bay Point Community Association. Browse through our committees and the members that make up each committee.

Documents Committee

The Documents Committee is tasked to research, produce, and submit recommendations for the creation, maintenance, and or updating of  BPCA documents to be consistent with the legislative changes and in the best interests of the entire community. The Committee meeting schedule is TBD.


Catherine Mitchell



Fines & Suspensions Committee

The Fines & Suspensions Committee holds hearings to allow owners the opportunity to provide information regarding why a levied fine and or suspension should not be upheld. The Committee meets on the last Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM in the BPCA Conference Room.


Holly Muller
Tami Sederquist
Sheila Kelley
Rick Snow
Robin Stutts

BPCA Finance Committee

The Finance Committee oversees the treasury and accounting functions of the BPCA.  It also works with staff and outside auditors to ensure transactions and records are managed in acceptable standards. The Committee meets on the last Thursday of the month at 3:30 PM in the BPCA Conference Room.


Denise Hindes



Infrastructure Committee

The Infrastructure Committee oversees the above and below ground infrastructure components throughout the Bay Point property, easements and rigts-of-way  It works with owners and staff to ensure the community is maintained and improved as proscribed in the Governing Documents. The Committee meets on the last Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM in the BPCA Conference Room.


Zack Seltzer



Landscaping Committee

The Landscaping Committee works with the Board and it’s contractor’s, as directed, to provide information regarding the overall maintenance and suggests priorities of landscape updates and/or beautification projects for the common areas including BPCA rights-of-way. The Committee meets as needed in the BPCA Conference Room.


Bob Fletcher


Jen Shook
Melany Creel
Betty Murphree
Ernie Spinner
Rosemary Ferrell
Paul Duprey
John Kendrick
Kat Austin

Security Committee

The Security Committee works with the Board and it’s contractor’s, monitor, refine, and provide information regarding the overall provision of security services throughout the Bay Point community. The Committee meets on the last Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM in the BPCA Conference Room.


Jim Penney


Bob Fletcher
Zack Seltzer
Dean Rook
Amber Mullins
Rosemarie Brooks
John Findlay
Andy David

Stakeholder Council

The Stakeholder Council interfaces with the various business entities within the Bay Point Community.


Zack Seltzer


Ryan Mulvey – Golf Course
Bryn Romspert – Bluegreen Bayside Resort
Justin Bannerman – Marina

Canal Liaison

The Canal Liaison is a Board member that interfaces with the Bay Point Waterfront and Canalfront Association and its Committees.


Jason Mylar

Bay Point West ARC

The Bay Point West Architectural Review Committee (ARC) works with home owners to ensure the integrity of the entire community is preserved. These activities include approving architectural changes to properties, maintenance of building and properties, etc.


Jim Penny


Walt Rankin
Jen Shook
Pam Pigneri
Jeff Bowman
Max Meglch
Jason Myler

Compliance Committee 

The Compliance Committee overseas the overall compliance with the declaration and rules and regulations for the entire Bay Point  Community


Jason Myler